I wanted to post some more how to's on mojo bags and packets and give some suggestions on this technique. This method takes a little more effort and time than the already sewn mojo bags where you write out petition papers, fill your bag with herbs and curios, tie, and bless, and feed, and all that good stuff that goes into the process.

Cut your flannel fabric about 3 to 4 inches by 3 to 4 inches, creating a square piece.
Boil water on the stove and gather the herbs appropriate to your work.
Tear your paper into squares for the petition paper. As you can see in the image here, I have flannel and paper ready for these love packets.
For a Money Mojo I made on behalf of a client, I used:
Five Fingers Grass
Irish Moss
High John Conqueror Root
Place these raw ingredients in a shallow pan, like a baking cookie dish. I used three tablespoons of each ingredient and one crushed High John Root.
Once the water has boiled, pour this over the raw ingredients in the cooking sheet. I used only a cup to two cups. Allow it to steep with the herbs until cool.
Place the red flannel on top of this concoction until it absorbs the liquid. Then remove (allow bits of ingredients to remain on flannel if they stick) the flannel and lay across a safe place to allow it to dry.
Take your paper for the petition paper (no writing should be on the paper, in other words, do not write out the petition on the paper YET) and lay it on top of the concoction. The paper is going to absorb the water. Take it back out and place in a drying area.
Strain the herbs and water and store the saved water to use as a bath or floorwash ;).
Once the flannel and paper have dried.
Prepare your petition paper.
Gather any type of other extra curios like pyrite, mojo wishing beans, or lodestone and personal concern for the mojo. Place them across the mojo flannel and fold it towards you, turn and fold, and repeat till you have a little packet of mojo.
Take out your red thread and wrap the mojo packet towards you while focusing on the petition. Wrap it until it is secured then tie it off with odd number of knots.
Name it and feed it some whiskey, carry it like all other mojos, by the skin out of sight. Keep it fed though weekly.
More suggested formulas:
Reconciliation Mojo Packet
Balm of Gilead
Tonka Beans
Draw New Love:
Cubeb Berries